Accredited school photographers are fully licensed to work with SIMS schools and are endorsed by ESS.
Accredited photographers have been evaluated on their ability to provide images and associated data that are compatible with batch import into SIMS software. Schools creating their own images or using non-accredited photographers should apply for their licence directly to ESS by clicking the link below.
Please note that schools can import individual pupil images from any supplier or source without requiring a licence – please contact your local support unit for instructions on how to do this.
Batch import in photo importer
For a school photographer to supply images and data that are compatible with the SIMS photo importer there are a number of important considerations:
Photographers must understand the methodology and technology for taking the pupil photographs on the day
Photographers must produce the images to a precise specification
Photographers have to supply the images in the correct format with specific naming conventions
Photographers must be aware of the licensing and support implications of using the batch facility in photo importer
Photographers must ensure the schools are fully supported in this process.
To enable a successful photo shoot and import of the images Photographers need to receive relevant data from the school in advance of their visit. Photographers therefore also have to be aware of the data protection and privacy implications. This includes any necessary data-sharing agreements between the school and the photographer. Schools /MATs are the data controller for all data held on pupils, parents, and staff. Only the data controller can grant access to data.
Become an accredited photographer
If you have an established photography business offering services to schools you may wish to join the many photographers that already recognise the benefit of becoming an accredited photographer with SIMS.