Inspectors want proof that your Pupil Premium spend is having a direct impact on pupil achievement. SIMS supports you in managing it, so you can evidence the learning benefits it has facilitated.
Your teachers need to know who their Pupil Premium children are, what other factors might affect their performance and what interventions are in place for them.
And as school leaders, you need to know if those interventions are working so you can change them if not and prove to Ofsted that you are making a difference with the extra funding for these pupils.

How SIMS helps...
Pupil Premium children can be easily identified within SIMS by staff across the school by the Pupil Premium Indicator. Shortcuts to key information about Pupil Premium children, the interventions in place and their progress can be set up on the SIMS homepage of teachers and SLT so they are always kept informed.
Your Pupil Premium children will not automatically be your lowest performers, they could easily be among your highest achievers too.
This is why you need to look beyond children’s Pupil Premium eligibility and see who they really are to ensure they reach their full potential.

How SIMS helps...
SIMS Discover shows you the whole picture of your Pupil Premium children to help you decide on the most appropriate interventions. Analyse key factors such as attendance, behaviour, progress achieved, SEN and EAL all in one place.
Schools have to develop precise knowledge of how pupils are progressing to meet Ofsted’s requirements. The key to this is bringing data into the classroom and getting teachers to use it on a daily basis, which in turn will help lesson planning and inform targeted teaching. It’s the best chance they have to give children the opportunities that the Pupil Premium is designed to afford them and will be essential in allowing schools to demonstrate the impact Pupil Premium funding is having on closing the gap for their pupils.
Incredibly powerful...
To have all the data we needed in a manageable form with the ability to track the progress of groups and individuals proved incredibly powerful and was praised by our inspector.
David Spruce, Headteacher, Penruddock Primary School
How SIMS helps...
SIMS Assessment allows you to record and monitor the ability, attainment and progress of pupils through mark sheets, tracking grids and performance analysis. SIMS Discover presents this analysis graphically and helps to compare the performance of different groups across the school.
It’s not just Ofsted that will need to see proof of the impact of your strategies, governors will need to be kept informed and provided with evidence of how you are closing the gap.
And with increased media coverage the parents of pupils eligible for the funding will want to know what you’re doing for their child and if it is working.

How SIMS helps...
SIMS Discover provides graphical, easy to understand analysis of groups of children so you can show governors how your Pupil Premium children are getting on compared to other groups or your whole school.