Ensuring every child achieves their true potential will always be one of your top priorities. With SIMS, you can be sure that every child's progress is tracked, helping to inform lesson planning and drive education excellence.
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Manage classrooms effectively
With numerous tasks to juggle during a school day, teachers need tools that give them the maximum time possible to focus on teaching.
The SIMS Teacher app puts SIMS in the classroom, aiding effective classroom management and driving attainment. It provides a quick way to take the register, access up-to-date pupil information, and it easily records assessment and conduct. Teachers can access marksheets and enter grades, comments and marks while also awarding achievement and behaviour points in real-time. For maintained schools it also integrates with SIMS Dinner Money, meaning teachers can seamlessly record the dinner register alongside the normal class register.
Having the right data to hand can make a big impact on teachers and teaching. SIMS Interventions within SIMS Core Suite allows you to track all the extra resources you implemented to support pupil progress and improve learning outcomes. See all your interventions data in one place, covering a wide range of areas, such as SEN, pupil premium, academic interventions and pastoral support.

Track every pupil’s progress
We understand that assessment should start with the child, support teaching and learning, and be driven by your school’s assessment policy.
SIMS Assessment - part of SIMS Core Suite - provides flexibility so you can assess in a way that suits your school. Teachers can see an individual’s progress towards end of year or school expectations in real-time as they enter their assessments. Quick access to this information means timely interventions can be introduced to support pupil progress. Filter key pupil groups to review their progress towards targets and highlight gaps or identify where interventions may be needed.
Used together with Learning Ladders, SIMS offers primary schools a complete assessment solution. It gives you the freedom to personalise your curriculum to support your school’s assessment policy, while ensuring you can still benchmark a child’s learning in-line with curriculum requirements.
SIMS Discover will then graphically present a clear and complete analysis of your school information and instantly alert you to changes in a pupil’s performance, attendance or behaviour, so you can act quickly to get them back on track.

Motivate and retain quality staff
Ensuring you’re getting the very best from your teachers is key to the success of your school. SIMS Staff Performance provides senior leadership teams with tools to effectively manage, monitor and report on the performance of their entire workforce.
Integration with SIMS Personnel, part of the SIMS Core Suite, allows school leaders to quickly record staff performance alongside training and employment details, and measure this against professional standards held in SIMS. This enables you to build a complete picture of every member of staff.
Senior leaders can easily run reports on staff appraisals and understand their needs at a glance. They can also record lesson observations and reviews to support personal development, and assess the impact of teaching staff against pupil outcomes, using data in SIMS.

Get in touch
Help track every pupil’s progress with our products designed to aid teaching and learning. Speak to a member of our sales team to learn more about our dedicated solutions and how they could help you and your school. Use the contact form below: