When you have immediate access to information on all areas of school performance, an inspection becomes an opportunity rather than a challenge. SIMS makes it easy to demonstrate your school's progress and success during your Ofsted, Estyn or Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection, with real-time information on how your school is performing on every level. Also identify where further development is needed as a springboard for future success.
Demonstrate pupil progress
When preparing for an inspection, you need to show you are helping every single pupil to progress. With SIMS Discover, examine data at an individual level in minutes, saving valuable time and providing current information for inspectors. Supply evidence to demonstrate you are identifying trends in performance, setting up interventions and continually assessing progress made, alongside a detailed picture of what has happened/is happening across the entire school.

Manage and assess teaching
Use SIMS to assess and prove your teaching is effective. By holding all information on individual objectives and lesson observations centrally, you can build a complete picture of every staff member. You can also manage staff appraisals, performance-related pay decisions, use pupil data to identify good teaching practices, and uncover any staff training needs.

Gain insights into behaviour and safety
SIMS helps you understand where behaviour and attendance issues are occurring and provides insights into punctuality and attitudes to learning. Analyse data to see if certain pupils are always running late or if they are having an impact on behaviour in the classroom. Teachers can log incidents as they happen in SIMS Lesson Monitor so you are always working with today’s attendance and behaviour information.

Access the power of SIMS
SIMS offers a range of training and consultancy services to help you prepare for inspections and make a positive impact when they take place. The options include scheduled training courses, as well as bespoke consultancy and training for you and your team, tailored to your school’s particular needs.

Get in touch
Looking for ways to demonstrate your school’s success during your next inspection? Contact our sales team to learn how SIMS provides you with all the key information you need, quickly and easily. Use the contact form below: