Even the highest performing schools need to continually raise standards and demonstrate their academic credentials.
SIMS gives you the pupil tracking tools to raise the bar. By spotting trends in pupil performance, SIMS identifies when a pupil needs support to overcome a challenge or shows you when a child may be coasting on relatively good marks, when they are capable of achieving even more.
Boost every child's achievements
By recording your assessment information using SIMS pupil assessment software, you have at your fingertips a historical picture of every child’s achievement. This allows you to set realistic targets for every pupil that can challenge them to reach further. Those with specific areas of improvement are spotted quickly so you track pupil progress and can put extra learning in place to ensure you boost the performance of every child.

Get the bigger picture
With SIMS Discover, the pupil tracking system, you can closely monitor your pupils’ academic performance to see if they are on track. By bringing all your pupil data together into graphs and charts, it’s easy to see how one element may affect another. Assess and compare a specific cohort of pupils - such as those that excel in sports - and ensure they are performing well academically as well as on the pitch.

Deliver a stimulating curriculum
A choice of qualifications, a wide range of subjects and the additional activities like cultural trips and drama, make the education you deliver unique – which means your timetable is too. SIMS can manage your detailed curriculum requirements easily so you deliver a curriculum that enables the maximum number of students to study their chosen subjects.

Motivate pupils
Pupils can view homework tasks, check when their lacrosse practice is and receive reminder alerts from a smartphone, tablet or PC with the SIMS Student app. Provide access to key information at their fingertips and engage pupils inside and outside of the classroom with our 360° engagement software.

SIMS Assessment has streamlined processes across curricular departments and enabled accurate tracking of pupil academic progress. Standardising criteria has ensured uniformity across all departments.
Caroline Barry, IT Director, Mayfield School
Get in touch
Discover how to harness the power of your school data to keep raising the bar and achieving excellence. Speak to a member of our expert sales team to learn how SIMS helps boost pupils’ achievement and overcome challenges. Use the contact form below: