A continuous multi-year programme of customer driven innovation, designed to add-value to your investment in SIMS. Discover the next generation of school MIS.

Full potential & SIMS data audits


Tailored sessions led by seasoned consultants, offering the flexibility of in-person or remote learning. 


Benefit from expert guidance as you explore SIMS functionalities, tailored to your school's unique needs. Discover new features, innovative approaches, and practical applications to enhance your school's efficiency.

Our consultants will review your current SIMS usage, suggesting improvements and facilitating discussions on resilience and staff development. Whether it's refining workflows or unlocking untapped potential, our sessions empower you to maximize the value of SIMS within your school community.

Full potential audits

An opportunity to have a full day (5 hours) with a SIMS Consultant to discuss how your school uses SIMS and how to maximise your investment. 

Flexible Agenda 

The agenda for the day will be designed by the consultant to fit your individual requirements

Opportunity to learn 

Your consultant will review how you use SIMS and suggest new functionality or different ways of working

Staff Development

Discuss resilience in your school and suggest the next steps to further your school's skills in using SIMS

SIMS data audit

Over time your SIMS system can become congested with data that should have been archived or deleted.

The SIMS Data Audit is a service where a consultant reviews your school’s data held in the SIMS system against a pre-defined list of checks and identifies areas for improvement.

Led by experts

Delivered by one of our expert consultants.

½ Day Remote Audit Only

Audit and summary of issues found. 

1 Day Audit with Training

Audit and training to resolve the issues found.

Tidying your SIMS system: your choices summary

We offer 4 pathways to support you in tidying your SIMS system.


Option 1: we want to get the best from our investment in SIMS 

Purchase a full potential and audit pack.
This will provide you with both the full potential audit where you can discuss your usage of SIMS and a full day data audit where your system will be assessed and action points for data tidying where training will be provided. 

Option 2: we want to do it ourselves 

We offer two new training courses; Tidying Your Admin Data and Tidying Your Assessment & Exams Data, these courses will provide you with the skills to tidy your SIMS system yourself.

Option 3: we would like a Data Audit only

It is possible to order just the SIMS Data Audit where we will summarise the areas you need to focus on in your SIMS system.

This service may be particularly useful for Multi Academy Trusts who wish to have all their schools audited.

Option 4: we would like a data audit with training

We will work with you to complete the audit and train you how to resolve the issues found.

Multi Academy Trust option

We are able to deliver the full potential and audit pack to your MAT. Please contact us for further information.

Let’s talk about improving the efficiency of your SIMS instance.

Get in touch to find out more about how your school can make the most of our training and consultancy services.