SIMS provides numerous helpful attainment resources, helping to ease the administrative burden on teachers and make the process of tracking pupil progress streamlined, simple and effective. Marksheets and SIMS analysis reports enable schools to track and monitor age related attainment (ARE), progress, and end of year targets to keep them on course and assist them in achieving expected combined standards for reading, writing and maths at the end of each full term.
These resources display in a single sheet all prior attainment results, including Early Years, Phonics, Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments and previous years internal assessments. These programmes are fully compatible with the SIMS Programme of Study entry feature and data entered via this will automatically show in the marksheets and reports for subject overall summative data.
The marksheets can be used to enter subject overall summative attainment, end of year targets and Standardised Score test results for reading and maths. On clicking ‘calculate’ they will automatically show pupils on track for ARE, Progress Steps and Progress Indicators, those in line to meet end of year targets and ARE on track in combined reading, writing and maths. The reports deliver detailed analysis for whole school and key pupil groups on a termly basis.
You can access and download all the above resources, including a helpful guidance document from the SIMS Customer Success: English CAS Primary Assessment Resources.
There are four simple steps to accessing and importing the resources:
1: Download the zip file of the resources - this includes detailed guide to each of the steps below.
2: Extract and import the templates.
3: Create your marksheets for a class, year group or any other group to enable teachers, SLT or SENCOs quick and easy access to add data and/or view results.
4: Finally, import the reports provided.
Do you want to know more?
Further assessment information can be found within the SIMS Documentation centre. This can be accessed via the top right corner of your SIMS home page and by navigating to the Exams & Assessment logo where further handbooks, tutorials and quick reference sheets can be found. You will also find a range of other useful handbooks, tutorials, and quick reference sheets relevant to others roles in school within this area.