Ensuring you’re getting the very best out of your teachers is key to the success of any school. SIMS Staff Performance provides senior leadership teams with the tools to effectively manage, monitor and report on the performance of their entire workforce.
Integration with SIMS Personnel allows school leaders to quickly and easily record staff performance alongside training and employment details, and to measure performance against professional standards already held in SIMS - building a complete picture of every member of staff.
Effectively manage the appraisal process
As a school leader it is essential that you understand the CPD requirements of your staff and whole school needs. Easily run reports on staff appraisals and understand the needs of your staff and school at a glance. Customise appraisal tools in line with the way your school works, and link individual objectives to whole school priorities.

Save time on data input
Save time and build a complete picture of your staff by recording lesson observations and reviews, tracking objectives with staff professional development all in one central and secure location.

Nurture and maintain excellence in your workforce
With the shortage of quality teachers it has never been more important to ensure you’re supporting staff development and motivation across your school. Agree goals with members of staff and easily measure staff achievement against professional standards. Easily link CPD evidence back to individual objectives to ensure everyone is receiving the right opportunities to reach their full potential whilst contributing to whole school priorities.
Assess the impact of teaching staff against pupil outcomes
Measure the true impact that your teaching staff are having on pupil outcomes by utilising your school's student data held in SIMS. Easily compare pupil achievement against your staff performance data and attach as evidence in your staff records. This simple process allows senior leaders to consolidate data to make quick and informed decisions on staff performance.

Teaching staff development plans
Show the positive impact of staff against professional standards with electronic reports from SIMS Staff Performance. These reports demonstrate that you’re effectively managing staff performance and raising standards throughout your school – and provides evidence for your performance related pay decisions.

How SIMS Staff Performance helps
Senior leaders
Drive your own performance by being able to upload evidence towards your objectives and view the outcomes of your own reviews.
Drive your own performance by being able to upload evidence towards your objectives and view the outcomes of your own reviews.
View recommended pay progressions in your school, giving you a guide to staff salaries for the following year and allowing you to plan ahead more easily.
Nurture and maintain a quality workforce and track the impact of CPD with an effective performance management system.
Review different teachers against pupil progress and analyse the impact on wider school objectives.
Agree goals with members of staff, and monitor how you can support them in reaching those goals.
Staff Performance in SIMS Personnel
SIMS helps teachers and our senior leadership team to keep on top of their progress and allows us to easily provide evidence to Ofsted.
Jayne Mullane, Headteacher at Mersey Vale Primary School
I keep an overview of the different teachers and a list of the outcomes of the children they teach. I make a note of how they manage behaviour and look at other aspects such as how they help with younger children. This is stored in our MIS and linked with pupil data, our pay scale and CPD.
Linda Davis, Headteacher at Wistaston Academy