Effective financial reporting has never been more important. There is an increased need to share clear financial data with senior leaders and governing bodies. Being able to present financial information graphically often makes it easier for non-financial staff to quickly understand the data being shared.
SIMS Financial Reporting Suite (FRS) provides Finance Officers and Business Managers with enhanced and flexible reporting for SIMS FMS.
Save time on school financial reporting processes
Users have the ability to annotate predicted variations in their school’s financial report with detailed notes. This can be saved and updated as necessary. Notes and forecasts can be added against each cost centre/ledger code combination explaining reasons for variances and suggested action required, saving valuable time when looking back at previous decisions.

Real-time school financial data
Dynamic links with SIMS FMS enables the current school financial position (budget, actual and commitments) to be instantly available and always up-to-date in SIMS FRS. Reports can be produced for any financial year available in SIMS FMS. This enables users to make year-on-year comparisons, look for trends and compile data for benchmarking purposes.

Evidence your school’s financial performance
Simplify financial reports to meet your stakeholder's needs with drag and drop columns, conditional formatting and graphical representation of the figures – communicating an accurate and clear picture of your school’s financial performance. Reports can be exported to Excel or in PDF, correctly formatted and ready to print. Standard templates can be created for schools to use support easy financial data collection for groups.

Flexible financial reporting
Data can be filtered by any number and combination of ledger codes, funds and cost centres. At the lowest level, every cost centre, ledger code, fund combination is displayed. At higher levels, data can be summarised by a variety of options, allowing for greater flexibility in tailoring reports.

How SIMS FRS helps...
See a complete picture of your school’s financial position enabling you to make key strategic decisions.
Business Manager
Effectively manage, analyse and report on your school’s finances and provide detailed notes for senior leaders and governors to support setting the strategic direction.
School groups
Whether you’re a Multi Academy Trust or Local Authority you can maintain consistency in financial reporting across all schools by creating a template and sharing this with each school.
Report based on your school’s chart of account structure. Whether that be by curriculum or department cost centres, you can easily run and review reports and share them with your budget holders.
Report based on your school’s chart of account structure. Whether that be by year or class cost centres, you can easily run and review reports and share them with your budget holders.
Enhanced and flexible reporting for SIMS FMS, allowing finance officers and business managers to instantly understand their school’s financial data and easily share reports with all their stakeholders.