Our range of integrator services help to support the integration into SIMS 7 and the next generation of SIMS products. If you are a school or academy, local authority, multi-academy trust, Edtech start up or even an established Integration Partner, our new Technical Integrator Programme will guide you through our simple three step process to integration.
Our integrator services offer a wider range of integration points including Local Integrations, web based APIs and Single Sign On (SSO) option.
Step 1
Select the integration type that best suits your needs
School or Academy
You are a school or academy and have created a product or service that you want to integrate with SIMS.
You are a local authority or multi- academy trust with multiple schools or academies with access to SIMS, and have a product or service that you want to integrate.
EdTech Start Up
You are new to the market with less than 100 customers or operate as a not-for profit organisation and wanting to integrate your product or service.
Integration Partner
You are a commercial company with over 100 educational institutional customers with access to SIMS, and a product or service that you want to integrate.
Step 2
Register at no cost and access our resources
SIMS ID One Roster or RAP API
A Freemium service is available for all customers who wish to better
understand and test against the available APIs and services for our cloud software. Customers can request access to a shared test development environment (sandbox) allowing them to review the outcomes against a test dataset.
A range of chargeable services are available to help customers complete their integration to our current range of on premise solutions.
Available services include access to a leased license agreement for SIMS and/or FMS, and test datasets for a primary or secondary school/academy.
Step 3
When you have registered with us, you then have the option to become a SIMS integrator, taking advantage of our optional integrator services.
Optional partner services
Technical services
Benefit from a range of technical services including SIMS ID integration, technical access and SaaS licensed datasets.
Customers have the option to take bespoke consultancy services which can be delivered at a site of your choice. Take a look at the range of services in the full technical integrator guide.
A choice of two support options that will be delivered by our dedicated integrator support team.
Integrators can take advantage of our accreditation service to validate and promote their interfacing to SIMS.
Find out more about accreditation.
For a detailed overview of all the options available to you when becoming a SIMS integrator, including pricing, download our Technical Integrator Programme guides.
Become a Technical Integrator
If you want to explore becoming a Technical Integrator you can enquire about becoming a Technical Integrator
List of Technical Integrators
Browse our catalog of integration partners to help you unlock a wide range of additional functionality to manage daily school life more efficiently and drive improvement in learner outcomes.