A continuous multi-year programme of customer driven innovation, designed to add-value to your investment in SIMS. Discover the next generation of school MIS.

Maximise Pupil Premium Funding


Identify Eligible Students: Easily identify students eligible for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium funding. 

Boost Funding: Ensure your school maximises its Pupil Premium income and that students receive their entitled school meals.

Reduced Administration


Paperwork-Free Process: Parents can apply online or give consent for the school to apply on their behalf, eliminating the need for manual paperwork. 

DfE Compliant: The OFSM form complies with the DfE Eligibility Checking Service requirements, removing the burden of decision-making from schools. 

Instant Alerts: Schools are immediately notified of new applications and any changes in student eligibility.

Encourage Free School Meal Applications


Easy and Confidential: The OFSM system simplifies the application process for parents, allowing them to apply online and receive confirmation via email. 

Automatic Management: Once submitted, the system manages each child's entitlement automatically until they leave the school.

Safe and Secure


Audit Logs: All user activities are automatically recorded, providing a secure audit trail. 

Information Security: Exception reports and security events are generated to assist in future investigations if needed.

Find out more about Online Free School Meals

Ensure your school and students benefit fully from Free School Meal and Pupil Premium entitlements. 

Contact us to learn more, order now, or join our on-demand webinar to see how OFSM can transform your school's meal administration process.