Live Register provides school biometric software and card based systems for education. The software consists of a number of applications; cashless catering, access control, print & copy and attendance. These can be integrated to create an environment where you can carefully control access, manage your systems centrally and closely monitor and report on usage.
Flexibility and scalability
From our core database schools can add cashless catering, attendance management, access control, visitor management and other services to suit their needs. This allows centralised control and monitoring, improving efficiency.
Identification method choices
Live Register offers both biometric (fingertip) and card solutions. These allow the school choices in how they tailor identification to the needs of their students, staff and visitors.
Saves time spent on administration
The Live Register systems offer the chance to decrease teacher/administration staff hours by automating processes that would typically require staff input.
Increases student participation
Encouraging self-registration increases student responsibility and registration accuracy. Removing cash at point of sale helps reduce bullying and encourages school meal spend.