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Engaging on Absenteeism

SIMS spoke to over 500 school leaders, teachers and education experts to understand the post Covid-19 absenteeism challenge and how new thinking coupled with advances in data and technology can help schools drive up attendance.

"60% of school leaders feel they are lacking support from parents and guardians in tackling absenteeism."

Download our new report to discover how data and technology can help schools better engage parents around the key issue of absenteeism.

Using technology to improve outcomes

Having surveyed teachers, headteachers, heads of year and administrators in education settings across the UK, we have compiled a complete picture of absenteeism in schools.

By downloading the report you will gain a better understanding of:

The key challenges faced by schools in tackling absenteeism and how to improve attendance

How data can enable more targeted and personalised approaches in communicating with parents and guardians and reduce absenteeism

The role of Artificial Intelligence in predicting absenteeism and enabling schools to effectively intervene earlier.


Download the report to identify ways to combat the issue of absenteeism in schools

Across the UK, absenteeism in schools is a problem. It’s not a new problem, but it is one that is becoming more widespread.

Our report details exactly why student absence is an issue, the impact of Covid-19 and how it has highlighted the importance of school attendance.

We explore the challenges in tackling minor and chronic absenteeism, and potential solutions to increase school attendance with a data driven approach parental engagement.